Goal Setting for a 2021 World

While it might feel hopeless to set goals when we have NO IDEA what to expect out of 2021, we shouldn't get lazy! We will fail if we stop trying. Goals are the best way to help us feel like we have control over our lives when the world around us feels completely out of our control. Here are some ideas to help you get started setting goals for 2021.


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1. Pick a word for the year and put it everywhere!

When you look back on 2021, what do you want to remember if for? Maybe it's loved, community or depth. When we are able to put a name to the one thing we desperately long for then we will start taking steps to make it happen in our lives. Once you have chosen your word for 2021, put it in places where you will see it everyday. 


2. Ask yourself: What worked well for me in 2020 and what did not work well?

We like to use a S.W.O.T. analysis to analyze our previous year so we can set goals for the new year. To use it, ask yourself what were the strengths of this year, what were the weaknesses of this year, what are the opportunities for growth next year and what are the threats to reaching my goals next year. This process allows goals to surface that can be broken down into smaller steps.


3. Dream big for the future!

This past year has forced us to live in the present moment because we had no idea what might happen tomorrow. While this is a good thing to learn, we should take time to dream big for the next five years. What if you sat down with a friend or as a family and said where do we want to be in five years? This allows you to see bigger goals that will get you excited to step out into the future. 


What are you favorite ways to set goals? We wish you all the best as you plan and dream for the year ahead! 

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