This past few weeks of winter weather has us all begging for Spring! We are so ready to dine al fresco with friend with the sunshine on our face and cool breeze surrounding us. We believe it...Spring is on the way. Hold on friends! Here are a few ways to instantly infuse your home with Spring while you wait!
1. Open the 'windows'!
Bedrooms that were once cozy during fall and winter can now start to feel dark and dingy. Open up the blinds, change to a lighter- in color and weight, bedding material and add a vase of Spring flowers to your bedside table.
Our light throws are a great addition to your bed as you make edits for Spring.
2. Bring in the yellows (it is the color of the 2021 after-all)!
A simple bright yellow lamp, pillow or vase will go a long way. It will become a bright focal point in any room of your house.
Purchase the tea towel seen above here.
3. Put a bowl of fruit in your kitchen.
Where you once had a bowl of textured filler, try adding a bowl of lemons, clementines, or limes. The bright color and the citrus will feel fresh for this new season upon us.
4. Say it with me RATTAN!
Natural textures are where it is at! From changing out the knobs on your dresser to adding a mirror or basket there seem to be pops of rattan everywhere we look. This natural tone is another way to bring light into your home.
Purchase our family portrait pillows to place in your rattan basket here.