The Summer Self Care Checklist

As a part of the Promenade Field community, we know you spend a lot of your time taking care of your people. We're the same way. That's why we wanted to challenge ourselves for one week to make small investments in ourselves and see how it makes us better at taking care of others. We hope you will join us in the #pfselfcarechallenge. 

Start by taking a few minutes each day to check-in with yourself and ask how you are doing. Then decide what you need on the INSIDE and OUTSIDE. Feel free to use the ideas below to help meet whatever need you might have.

Skin Care

canvas make up bag self care product

  1. Find the right sunscreen for you. The mineral sunscreen options in this article are a great place to start!
  2. Get a new hat to provide some shade for your face.
  3. Keep yourself hydrated by sipping on at home spa water. Fill a cup with ice, add some crushed mint, sliced cucumbers and lemon. Pour fresh water in your glass. 
  4. Clean-up your makeup regimine as you deal with the summer heat. This article has great ideas to keep the heat from melting your makeup!
  5. Grab one of our cosmetic bags to keep your skin care products in so you'll never lose them!

Self Care 

  1. Get outside! Relax outside on a blanket instead of inside on the couch. Turn on our Spotify Summer Playlist to chill out with some relaxing tunes. Explore your neighborhood and pick wildflowers and drop them off at a friends house. Plant a vegetable garden and use the harvest in a new recipe.
  2. Plan a staycation. Pretend your house is a hotel and your neighborhood is a new place to be explored. What would you do for a few days? 
  3. Did you know negative ions produce positive vibes? Negative ions are created wherever there is moving water. They are scientifically proven to be a mood booster and fight of anxiety and depression. Find a river, lake, or ocean closest to you and go relax.
  4. Download a mindfulness and meditation app. We like the Daily Shine, Calm or Headspace. Each app will give you daily meditations to help keep you chill during these crazy days. The Headspace app even has an integration with Snapchat so you and your friends can share your daily meditations.


"In order to take care of others, we must take better care of ourselves."


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